So I'm a little busy today, trying to work on a paper and prep for a job interview I have tomorrow. This is particularly difficult because the paper isn't due for almost a month, which goes completely against my normal method of motivating myself through recognition of a fast-approaching deadline. However, April will be a killer in terms of grading and exams, so I'm trying to finish as many of my more flexible assignments as possible now. We'll see how it turns out!
In the interests of being at least a little exciting today, I decided to give you a brief peek into what the topic I'm currently working on is. For my quantitative research class, we basically have to do the background research for and design a study. If it turns out to be interesting, we might even conduct it later on. So far, I've gotten good feedback on mine.
Which, I'm sure, means you're all wondering what this amazing project of mine could be. Well, I'm afraid I can't write too much about it here for now, especially if I'm actually going to run the study. Wouldn't want any of my more enterprising students (who make up the research pool we often use for exploratory studies) to discover my hypotheses and end up giving me skewed results.
What I can say is that it deals with (surprise!) video games, and more specifically their influence on public opinion. Check out some of the material here to see some of what I'm working with. We'll see how it goes! If I don't end up taking it to the study stage, I'll probably give another update soon, but if I do, it'll be awhile before I manage to run all the data and can report back with my conclusions.
Looking forward to hear about your conclusions...